Casa de Cabello Indio

Our eyes are intrinsically trained to spot divine proportion and immediately associate it with beauty.

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San Bartalome de Tirajana, Spain

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Mayorista de Pelo y Peluca

Legal Notice

Ownership of the Website

In compliance with Article 10 of Ley 34/2002, July 11th, Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico (LSSI – Services of the Information Society and E-Commerce), we inform you that you are entering the website (hereinafter, the Webpage), which is owned and managed by the entity called CASA DE CABELLO INDU, S.L. (hereinafter, Casa de Cabello or The Administrator), with the following data:

  • Address: Eurocenter, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria 35100, Spain
  • CIF: [Insert CIF Number]
  • Telephone: [Insert Telephone Number]
  • Fax: [Insert Fax Number]
  • Email: [Insert Email Address]

The entity is registered in the Chamber of Commerce (Registro Mercantil) in Madrid, tomo [Insert Tomo Number], Libro [Insert Libro Number], Sección [Insert Sección Number], hoja [Insert Hoja Number], inscripción [Insert Inscripción Number]. V.A.T Nr.; [Insert V.A.T Number].

General Conditions of Use of this Website

This legal disclaimer is subject to changes and updates, so the version published on the website may differ each time the user logs in. Casa de Cabello reserves the right to modify or update, without previous warning, any information contained on the webpage, as well as its setup, presentation, and terms of use and access. Therefore, Casa de Cabello recommends periodically reading these Conditions. Furthermore, Casa de Cabello reserves the right to discontinue, withdraw, or stop operating this website at any time. Since this website may be subject to modifications, the user should read this document carefully and fully whenever intending to use this website.

The user may access, print, download, and store these Conditions of Use, which will be permanently available on this website through the corresponding link.

At any rate, persons under age that enter this website without prior warning to their parents are informed that they must not register as users, as their parents or legal guardians need to have consented to the submission of the minors’ personal information before doing so.

Acceptance of Conditions of Use

Utilization of this website confers you the status of user. These conditions are addressed to the «users» of this webpage. Users are both those persons who enter the webpage searching for the information that contains and those who have registered to gain access to the services that it offers. Users must read carefully these General Conditions of Use for this webpage. Use of or access to the website requires knowledge and full unreserved acceptance of each and every clause and general condition included in the Disclaimer, as well as the General or Particular Conditions of Use that are applicable every time the User logs in. If the user disagrees with the conditions herewith established, he or she should refrain from using the webpage.
